
‘Technology as a way of life’ is a dictum in SST as we seek to uncover and develop the unlimited potential of ICT to enhance and enrich the learning environment. We believe that the 1-to-1 ICT-enabled learning environment elevates student engagement in learning and thus stretches their potential. A range of technology platforms and applications are deployed to uncover core academic principles, and provide extended socio-affective and leadership experiences that allow for new ways of learning, teaching and social interaction.

Leveraging on its project features as well as network, which supports collaboration within and beyond the school community, “ThinkQuest Project” is deployed to facilitate learning activities in the SST’s Global Citizenship Programme (GCP) which every Secondary 1 SST student would participate in. In this showcase, students would share how learning activities were facilitated through the platform during the GCP as well as the work they did in the platform.

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